Currently a 4th-year PhD candidate in the Hippomnesis team (supervisor : Marion Noulhiane). My defense is planed for autumn 2021.
I am studying the neural correlates of episodic and autobiograhical memory, with a particular focus on the hippocampus and surrounding medial temporal lobe structures. My goal is to understand how the progressive maturation of these neural correlates during childhood is related to age-dependent increases of memory competence. I am particularly interested on how this maturation drives the progressive emergence of detailed and long-lasting memories, after childhood amnesia.
To this end, I was involved in the acquisition of the MEMODEV database, which comprised 3T MRI data and behavioral data of 50 subjects aged from 4 to 12 years old. I used various MRI methods, ranging from fine-grained anatomical data of the hippocampus for subfields segmentation, to diffusion MRI for describing microstructural properties of white matter tracts involved in episodic memory (e.g., the Fornix, the Uncinate Fasciculus), and resting-state functional MRI to describe hippocampo-cortical connectivity using connectivity gradients analysis techniques (in collaboration with the Donders Institute, Radboud University, Nijmegen), atlas-based, or seed-based connectivity methods.
Bouyeure, A., Bekha, D., Poiret, C., Patil, S., Hertz-Pannier, L., Noulhiane, M. White matter microstructure predicts verbal episodic memory performance in the developping brain. Submitted.
Bouyeure, A., Patil, S., Poiret, C., Noulhiane, M. Hippocampal subfields and memory discrimination in the developping brain. Submitted.
Bouyeure, A., Poiret, C., Bekha, D., Patil, S., Noulhiane, M. Functional connectivity correlated of autobiographical memory during childhood. In preparation.
Bouyeure, A., Chauvin, R., Bekha, D., Patil, S., Haak, K., Beckmann, C., Noulhiane, M. Functional topography of the hippocampus correlates with episodic memory performance during childhood. In preparation.
Bouyeure, A., Germanaud, D., Bekha, D., Delattre, V., … Noulhiane, M. (2018). Three-Dimensional Probabilistic Mapsof Mesial Temporal Lobe Structures in Children and Adolescents Brains. Frontiers in neuroanatomy 12.
Bouyeure, A., Noulhiane, M. Memory: normative development of the memory systems. in Preedy (ed): The Neuroscience of Development. Academic Press. (In press)
Bouyeure, A., & Noulhiane, M. (2020). Memory: Normative development of memory systems. In Handbook of Clinical Neurology (Vol. 173, pp. 201-213). Elsevier.
Bouyeure, A., Chauvin, R., Haak, K.V., Beckmann, C.F.., Noulhiane, M. Functional organization of the hippocampus on its anteroposterior axis during childhood. OHBM 2020, Virtual Conference.
Bouyeure, A., Patil, S., Noulhiane, M. Hippocampal subfields volume predict memory discrimination performance in the developping brain. OHBM 2020, Virtual Conference.
Bouyeure, A., Bekha, D., Hertz-Pannier, L., Noulhiane, M. White matter microstructure is associated to episodic memory performance in the developping brain. European Brain and Behaviour Society 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
Bouyeure, A., Bekha, D., Noulhiane, M. Resting-state functional connectivity is correlated to episodic memory performance in the developping brain. Society for Neurosciences 2018, San Diego, CA, USA.
Bouyeure A., Bekha D., Germanaud D, Delattre V, Rivière D., Mangin JF, Chiron C, Hertz-Pannier L, Noulhiane M. Sulcal morphology of the medial temporal lobe in children and adolescents. OHBM 2017, Vancouver, Canada.
Bouyeure A., Bekha D., Germanaud D, Delattre V, Rivière D., Mangin JF, Chiron C, Hertz-Pannier L, Noulhiane M. Sulcal morphology of the medial temporal lobe in healthy preterm infants. OHBM 2017, Vancouver, Canada.
2017-present. PhD in Neurosciences, University of Paris.
2015-2017. Masters in Neurosciences, Sorbonne Universités.
2014-2015. 1st year of Masters in Genetics, University of Paris.
2009-2014. Bachelor in Philosophy & Masters in Philosophy of Sciences, Sorbonne Universités.
2011-2014. Bachelor in Psychology, University of Paris.
Research grant 2017, Mustela Fundation, 3.5k euros.
PhD scholarship, University of Paris, 3-years position.
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